There are several ways that wisdom teeth can affect your oral health. Pain, tenderness, or swelling in the back of your mouth may be the first sign of affected wisdom teeth. This condition can lead to the removal of a broken wisdom tooth, which is one of the most common dental procedures today. If you are experiencing these symptoms, it is best to consult a Walk in Dental Clinic or an oral surgeon to find out if surgery is needed.
What Are Impacted Wisdom Teeth?
It is a condition where an individual's wisdom teeth will begin to grow in, but will not have enough room in the jaw to fully come in. This will cause these molars to push up against the rest of the teeth or become stuck between the bone and the gums. wisdom tooth pain is crucial to handle. In the case of a partially erupted tooth, bacteria can grow and cause infection. It is not always necessary to remove impacted teeth if they have enough room to come in properly, but this is often not the case. When they do not grow properly, it is important to remove them before they cause too much damage.
How Do I Know if I Need Them Removed?
It is rare for the symptoms to occur right away. Often it isn't until damage has already been done before we begin to notice any symptoms. This is why it is important to visit your dentist regularly and have them perform x-rays on your mouth. These x-rays allow dentists to see if your wisdom teeth are coming in improperly, and for you to consult with an oral surgeon if needed and get a tooth extraction. It is much better to catch the problem early on before serious damage is done.
Why You Might Need to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed, Teeth extraction and wisdom teeth recovery -
Every patient is unique, but in general, wisdom teeth may need to be removed when there is an indication of changes in the mouth such as:
- Pain
- Infection
- Cysts
- Tumors
- Damage to neighboring teeth
- Gum disease
- Tooth decay (if it is not possible or advisable to restore the tooth)
Your Dentist Midtown may also recommend the removal of wisdom teeth as part of treatment for braces or other dental care.
How Do They Do It?
Just search for a Walk in Dentist and make an appointment. An oral surgeon will use local anesthesia or nitrous oxide to numb the infected area during the procedure. The type of anesthesia that is used will be discussed with you prior to the surgery. During the surgery, the medical staff will open up the gum around the molar and remove any bone that may be covering it. The oral surgeon will remove the tissue connecting the tooth to the bone and extract the tooth. Afterward, you may need stitches to patch up the gum, which sometimes has to be removed a few days later.
Please concern the doctor about how long does it take for wisdom teeth to heal. They also may dissolve on their own. You will be given a gauze pad to bite down on in order to stop the bleeding. After the procedure, they will prescribe you pain medication to take home. At home, you will continue biting down on the gauze pads until the bleeding stops, which should happen within 24 hours. Expect to eat soft or liquid foods for a few days. You will have to refrain from rubbing the infected area with your tongue to keep from opening the wound. After a few days, you should begin to feel much better.
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